Incredibly convenient features

including Wireless Auto-Calibration, 15 ATCs (Automatic Tool Changers),
a user-friendly interface and equipped with a harmonic reducer,
Features a 10-inch touchscreen interface.

Another evolution to compact class

This equipment is ideal to process a variety of prostheses such as Zirconia, PMMA, wax or hybrid ceramic etc. it has also Wireless Auto-Calibration.

various protheses

It is highly versatile as it has the capability to fabricate various protheses made of Zirconia, PMMA, wax or hybrid ceramic

excellent durability

Durability for long-term use is achieved with a frame-integrated casting body and a high-rigidity spindle.

High speed 30,000 rpm

Faster and more accurate operation with a 500W, 30,000 rpm spindle."

15 ATCs (automatic tool changers)

Automatic Tool Changer that automatically replaces up to 15 tools,

Industrial LM guides Following advanced industrial guides, a sophisticated machine that operates smoothly and without shaking along the rail direction.

Equipped with harmonic reducer

Delicate and improved precision in operation is achieved through the use of a high-quality reducer.

User-friendly interface

10ā€ touchscreen interface
Various templates included

With its intuitive icons, even beginners can control easily. Simple touch control design has been applied.

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