The most comfortable automatic system

various protheses
It is highly versatile as it has the capability to fabricate various protheses made of, e.g. zirconia, PMMA or wax

Automated restart
Automated restart when occurring unplanned suspension. Experience a more convenient and secure usage with safety features that prevent the damage of painstaking work from unexpected accidents or mistakes."

5-axis automatic disk changer
5 axis allow you to machine freely. You can machine almost every shape from soft materials, such as fabricate various protheses made of, e.g. zirconia, PMMA or wax
15 ATCS(Automatic Tool Changer_ that automatically replaces up to 15 tools; user-friendly one-button operation, improved disc handling, enhanced tool management, and other advanced features.

User-friendly interface
10” touchscreen interface
Various templates included
With its intuitive icons, even beginners can control easily. Simple touch control design has been applied.